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July 2022

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As we all know that physical work is vital in everyday life in child as it decreases the risk of many harmful diseases. HAEBIX is the chain of preschool who understands this problem and it’s responsibility to help the parents who work for their livelihood. The curriculum designed here is totally unique it is specially prepared after surveying different societies. It fetches the talent of child and empowers it accordingly. We have seen many preschools who offer good studies but fails to develop the all-round development of children as they don’t invest on the physical behavior of the child—we have listed the physical and psychological benefits that can come from having your child engage in regular exercise PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Develops muscle strength Improves cardiovascular capacity Keeps bones strong Decrease body fat Maintains a healthy, steady weight PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING Enhances self-esteem Reduce symptoms of anxiety Enhances concentration Controls mood swings We could agree that in this era of globalization everyone desires their child to be best and fit, but due to prior commitments or work loads we always procrastinate. HAEBIX exactly knows this problem!! Our mentors created a schedule and routine which is totally different from others and helps each and every parent to cop up with the Pre-Education of their child.


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There are enormous amount of data present at internet about the good or bad touch… many people are aware of the fact that there many people around us living a normal life but they are affected by this. A survey by United Nations International Children Education Fund (UNICEF) on demographic and health was conducted in India from 2005 to 2013, which reported that ten per cent of Indian girls might have experienced sexual violence when they were 10–14 years of age and 30% during 15–19 years of age. Overall, nearly 42% of Indian girls have gone through the trauma of sexual violence before their teenage. The first study on CSA in India was conducted by Recovery and Healing from Incest, an Indian non-government organization (NGO) in 1998. Majority (76%) of the participants reported being abused during childhood or adolescence. Save the Children, the international organization, and, Tulir–Center for Healing and Prevention of Child Sex Abuse, an Indian NGO, conducted a study in 2005 among 2,211 school going children in Chennai. About 48% and 39% of the boys and girls, respectively, reported as being sexually abused, while more than onetenth (15%) of the participants stated as having faced severe forms of sexual abuse. A study was conducted in 2007 by Ministry of women and child development in India covering 13 states. The study reported that about 21% of the participants were exposed to extreme forms of sexual abuse.Among the participants who reported being abused, 57.3% were boys and 42.7% were girls, about 40% were 5–12 years of age. *Above data taken from –https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4311357/* The staff/faculty of HAEBIX has a very passive position in this matter. We take care of children as our own children and nobody want their children to suffer that trauma. In order to prevent this we conduct many workshops which tell children how to identify more over what to do in this kind of situation. These workshops are organized by specialized people who know how to tell students to tackle this kind of situation. These workshops are very important and must be done in every part of the world so that each and every student must know the difference between the good and the bad touch. And anybody who tries to do this kind of thing must get caught.


Preschool Chain in India


“GURU GOVINDA DONO KHADE KAKU LAGU PAAYEIN, BALIHARI GURU APNE GOVIND DIO MILAE” Mythology says it all, our Indian values states that the guru (teacher) must have more importance than God itself. This Hindu proverb states that ”if teacher and god appear at the same time then one must greet the teacher first because he gives us the knowledge of God” and that’s why we all know that the good teacher in the early days plays an extremely important role in the life of an individual. As children enter school, teachers play an important role in shaping children’s experiences outside of the home environment and early on can assist in supporting young children’s adaptation to new challenges and demands during the transition into a classroom environment. Aside from their formal role of teaching academic skills, teachers are often responsible for regulating activity level, communication, and contact with peers HAEBIX takes it as a challenge and assembles the best of talent around the country to become the mentor of the little champs. The teachers are perfectly educated and solely devoted to their work and that is also the reason why our organization is leading nowadays because the quality of staff we maintain is way better than anybody else. Qualities that are enlightened by the teacher in a child are:- ENTHUSIASM FOR CHILDREN PATIENCE AND HUMOR COMMUNICATION SKILLS RESPECT OF DIFFERENCES CREATIVITY AND FLEXIBILITY There are many factors in which teacher must qualify for teaching young ones. There are proper studies which excels the person in order to take the responsibility of children. We discovered 6 key behaviours that make a great teacher — Make learning goal-oriented Instill a growth mind-set Reassure your students verbally Harness the power of Education Tech Define Classroom Rules Establish a routine